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papillary carcinoma中文是什么意思

用"papillary carcinoma"造句"papillary carcinoma"怎么读"papillary carcinoma" in a sentence


  • 乳头状癌
  • 乳头状腺癌


  • This is another papillary carcinoma of thyroid
  • In fact , some papillary carcinomas may first present as nodal metastases
  • Papillary carcinoma is the most common thyroid cancer ( 60 to 70 % of all thyroid cancers )
    乳头状癌是最常见的甲状腺癌(占全部甲状腺癌的60 % ~ 70 % ) 。
  • Papillary carcinomas are indolent tumors that have a long survival , even with metastases
  • Many papillary carcinomas contain follicular elements , but this does not alter the basic biology of the tumor
  • Objective to study the clinical characteristics , surgical treatment and prognosis of thyroid papillary carcinoma in children
  • Abstract : objective to study the clinical characteristics , surgical treatment and prognosis of thyroid papillary carcinoma in children
  • Method from 1980 to 1999 , 19 children with thyroid papillary carcinoma underwent operative treatment in our hospital and all were followed up
    方法回顾性分析我院1980 1999年收治的19例儿童甲状腺乳头状癌,并进行随访。
  • A new study suggests that dynamic contrast medium ? enhanced magnetic resonance imaging ( dce - mri ) has higher accuracy and can detect papillary carcinoma that is missed by fnab
    新的研究表明,有动态对比物作为介质的增强磁共振( dce - mri )诊断甲状腺乳头状癌的优于细针穿刺,能发现一些细针穿刺遗漏的病例。
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